Why ShareFeels?
Once a project reaches a certain complexity, you need more than two people involved to get the job done. The challenge grows exponentially with each new person you add to the mix—unique ideas, different temperaments, quirks … you know, people like me and you. Fast forward a few weeks, and you’re not just building the thing—you’re managing the chaos.
More than budgets, tools, or even expertise, a team’s ability to share ideas, align on goals, and collaborate effectively is often the biggest challenge, making communication a key component that separates success from failure.
Communication takes many forms, it’s not just writing or speaking. Marketing is communication, color is communication, gestures are communication (cough in Italian)… even silence is communication. Whether or not you’re aware of it, you’re always communicating.
The problem with not communicating—or not communicating enough—is that people will misinterpret your intentions. Over time, repeated misunderstandings can seriously compromise relationships. Nobody wants that.
I built the ShareFeels website to share practical tools that make navigating projects, people, and difficult conversations easier. Instead of just sharing philosophical ideas, my goal is to offer real-world methods and tools for smoother collaboration.
The ShareFeels.io app is a tool that helps you spark a conversation with your team, and figure out together what works, what doesn’t, what can be improved, course correct, and enjoy a smoother project.
Sign up for free, and test it out with your team.
Dorin Vancea
ShareFeels.io Founder
Any ideas you’d like to share, questions, or just want to say hi?
Get in touch or email me directly at [email protected]